24 x 36, Oil, Planet Sweep, © St Germain
my next to the last vision!

I saw the planets swept up in a huge wind and careening
towards a pit on the right.
What did not make sense were these white holes,
with the edges scrolled up.
Of all my paintings of these visions,
such a cataclysmic change in the universe
would be challenging to believe, and I rather
not think about the consequences. If the sun would be
swept up, there would be no daylight and warmth.
What would happen
to the ebb an flow without a moon?
It just occurred to me that I did not see planet earth!
Have to admit, if I had, it would have freaked me out.
Guess, God knows my limits:)


John at Patmos saw this too. It must be considered.
2 Pet 3: 10-12 “destroyed by intense heat” – so Peter knew this too!
Rev. 6 – “moon turned into blood, and the sun like
black sackcloth or goat hair”
That description is close to what I saw.

Added the houses on the earth for perspective,
but these did not appear in the vision

Loved the people’s sincerity in worship
Weekend Reflection

Dogwood tree and flowers on our last Californian piece of land
FOTD, Der Natur Donnerstag, Floral Fri Foto

One of the cute culprits who ate my lantana flowers!
Sat. Critters, Weekly Smile

Tue Texture on Wed., Wordless Wed.

Yellow may well be the brightest color on earth.
Have heard from several near-death experiences that
in heaven there are about twenty other colors!
I think artists will be having a very good time there:)

One Word Sunday: Bright

A fiery backyard sunset
Makro-Tex: November, Sky Watch

MONDAY – Our World * FOTD* Weekly Smile *
TUESDAY – Tue Travel * Makro-Tex: *Tue. Scrib * Tue Tex on Wed.*
WEDNESDAY – Wordless Wednesday*Der Natur Donnerstag *
THURSDAY – Thankful Thurs * Sky Watch* Floral Fri Foto*
FRIDAY – Fri Bliss * Weekend Reflection *
SATURDAY – Sat. Critters *
SUNDAY – One Word Sun * Sundays Best*

48 thoughts on “NEAR THE END

  1. Hello,
    Love the cute bunny! The dogwood blooms and the sunflowers are beautiful, a cheery sight. Here the fall leaves on the ground, we are not seeing many colors left. Gorgeous sunset! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend.


  2. Oh I love those dogwood flowers. I have seen them in the past on other’s posts, but we don’t have this tree here. Stay safe, enjoy your week, and thank you for visiting my blog last week.


  3. Lots to think about with your visions. Thanks for sharing. God is blessing us throughout, and a comfort. Love your beautiful photos of the flowers and the bunny. Have a especially happy rest of week.


  4. Those dogwood flowers are so lovely. I have seen them before on other blogs. And sunflowers are truly the most happiest of flowers. Stay safe, enjoy the rest of your week, and thank you for visiting my blog this week.


    1. Hello Jill, am concerned about what your country is going through, and hope it will go back to the happy and wild country from before! Here, in this state (Texas) things are largely back to normal, I thank God for that!


    1. Your profile made me smile, because I am the “mama” here (meaning, much older, haha)
      Hope you consider making your Tue Textures on Wed. a challenge/meme – I think people would like it:) Enjoy your weekend.


  5. Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoyed reading your post. I have the same critter in my yard who samples my flowers. She/he has been behaving better since we have let a lot of clover grow. It’s their favorite and they don’t eat things down to the nub anymore…now they just delicately sample them.


    1. Somehow your comment did not come “approved!” Clover, eh? Maybe I should try that, so I can remove the netting (because it looks so artificial). Thank you for your reply. Much appreciated!

      Liked by 1 person

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