Yes, you know me! Am still in the process of constructing this new site,
and hope I put it in publishing mode.
You used to know me as Jesh at the Jesh Studio at WordPress. Unfortunately I could not reach my wp-admin anymore. It stayed blank, and after some trouble shooting, ended up deciding to delete the blog.

Just sayin’ I’m writing you since I know you. On this blog I am Jeshie2 with a new url: Let’s blog!

The side door of the Creperie in Sacramento
Thurs. Doors

Love iron gates like these

Two Doors for Dan Antion’s Thursday Doors

My apology to make Thurs. Doors part of my intro page. If I decide to keep visiting every week, I promise Thurs. Doors gets its own post.

Sky Watch
Thankful Thursday

Some more changes.
Don’t know yet if and when I will post for the memes/challenges like before, since the writing of these kinds of posts will take much more time, and the photos asked for may not fit with my train of thought in that particular post.
Going from Apple for a few years, back to windows, discovered it has so completely changed, that each manoever takes TIME (away from my art).

these peaceful reflections, found in the Huntington Library Gardens.
Der Natur Donnerstag* Weekend Reflections *

So, please do not take it as not being interested in your blog anymore. To run All Seasons, took about 2 1/2 day constantly sitting at the computer, and my weekly post sometimes even more. My whole week was run by my blog.

Hope you still will visit me, although I understand not as frequent anymore:):):)

This below is part of a gorgeous bouquet my oldest daughter sent me for Mothers Day.

Wordless Wednesday,
Fri Bliss

Finding my Tribe.
Last Sunday I saw three, two guys and a girl parking and sitting smack in front. Since the young and hip pastor went through his group therapy spiel in the intro of his sermon, asking the audience’s input on what made up their identity (rather not tell you what I think of that as a retired psychologist), I heard one of the three say, “Art.” The second guy added, “More Art.”
That peeked my interest, so after the service was over, I went up to them and asked, “Who of you is the artist?”
To my surprise it was the least likely, the more demure and smallest of the three answered, “I am.”
“Oh my goodness, that is so funny,” I called out. “I had the same experience when people came to our house. They always thought it would be my 6’3 husband or my 6’4 son. But then the latter both turned to the 5’3 woman and pointed, “She is!”
I did not mean for it to be an ice breaker, but that was the beginning of a long discussion how it is for a person from New Jersey and California to adjust to the Texan culture.
It was cute that the artist doing stained glass art said about almost every other sentence, “I like that in Texas they have, do, are used to ….” More than the adjustment to another state we had in common though, my heart leaped in recognition when I talked about my wish to honor God in my art, she answered, “Oh, but I have the same intention!”

I found my tribe.
About time, after 10 months, to have a worthwhile connection:)

36 thoughts on “TRY OUT – MY NEW BLOG

  1. Hi Jeshie,
    Well, I found you and all seems to work fine at your new blog. I wish you good luck with rebuilding things again. I can imagine it will take some time when you have to start learning Windows 10 meanwhile. But hey, as you know we have a sayin: ‘Aken en Keulen zijn ook niet op 1 dag gebouwd’ or translated ‘Aachen and Cologne were not built in one day either.’
    And when your busy with thtat all, take a little pause for your art and your new tribe.
    – Summer greetings from the Netherlands


    1. Thanks so much Jan. I know the saying, but I thought it were different cities:) Maybe you are right, because my memory of the Dutch language now reveals gaping holes, lol. Have a nice and not too hot of a summer! Jeshie

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This looks quite nice. I am sorry that you had so much trouble with wordpress. I do have a local (Seattle) person who helps me with the tech stuff. It’s money well spent, I think. His name is Angelo Carosio and if you like I will send you his contact info. He’s very nice! Good luck with your new format and thanks for all the hosting you did.


    1. You are quite welcome, Sarah! Loved the hosting and I miss it very much! But I have a tendency to take on too much, and need to take care of my health and art:) Let me think about your tech guy:)


  3. Thank you so much for the link for the Hibiscus tea, Carol:) Please let me know if you have the WP-plugin or another company – am kind of of waiting for that. Thanks so much Jeshie


  4. Thank you Deborah:) Am sure we will meet more people who become friends, but it doesn’t happen often if one meets one with similar passions and talents. That beach is the one of Laguna Beach where hubs worked for almost two decades in a small but very affluent community. Yes, we’re doing well, now i have another blog, haha. Hugs back!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Sorry Deborah, am still trying to get used to this system, and I may have accidentally deleted your comment, because it disappeared! Not my intention!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. No worries! I’ve accidentally done that myself. I think the caps lock key deletes comments in the comment dialogue box. I think I’ve hit that key instead of shift on a number of occassions and deleted a comment. 😭 Thankfully, there’s an undo that pops up, but you have to be quick to save the comment!


  5. Oh it must have been devastating to delete the old blog. You could have taken a backup and restored it here. It will restore everything including the comments. The Sky watch photo is amazing. Good luck with the fresh start.


    1. It was not easy giving up my old blog, but I saved all my images in the original form. I may be retired, but the psychologist in me was saying “Are you having difficulty with this loss? Let go – healthier than hanging on to things:)” thanks for wishing me well, Shiju. Have a great weekend!


  6. You started your new blog with some great photos, Jesh. How lovely that you found like-minded people with art as a connection. All the best with your painting and settling into your new location.


  7. Hi Jeshie,
    I love this photo from the Huntington Library Gardens.
    I hope you can quickly get used to Windows 10 and the new blog. Then everything will be more fun for you again and will not cost you as much time.
    Herzliche Grüße – Elke (Nature Thursday)


  8. Hi Jesh. When I first came to the page, I could not see a Like button or comment box. I reloaded the page and all is well. I love the doors you shared today, and I’m fine with Thursday Doors being in the mix with the other beautiful photos. I’m sorry to hear about the problems you had with your previous site I hope all your posts weren’t lost for good.


    1. Thank you Dan! Did you reply from your site? Because I don’t see your comment on the bottom of my published post? Just trying to figure out if I need to change something (if you know, please let me know – this never happened with my old blog, but with this one, you are the 2nd who gives a comment about the like button and comment box!)


  9. Hey I love your new blog. Glad you are not going away. I know how a blog can run your life. I’m down to about two posts a week when it used to be 7 days a week. Meme’s can be difficult as well. I confess that I fall short of visiting everybody’s blog on Skywatch. I’d love to but I have other things going on as well.
    When I left college in New Mexico to go work in the oilfields of Texas I had a hard time with the change. I couldn’t figure out why everybody was so friendly. Where I grew up you were cordial with strangers but friendly with my friends. I come to love Texas and miss it now. I’m still not that friendly with strangers.


  10. that is so cool to find a like-minded arts 🙂 and to glorify God in all we do – especially your art – how beautiful
    and lovely photos – I like the green plants in your door hot too –


  11. Oh, so I am not the only one who grappled with trying to figure out why they are so friendly here:). Californians just don’t take the time. It’s Hi how are you. After 2 sentences it is Gotto go now. Sometimes my previous job works against me. I probably wouldn’t have been so suspicious if I wouldn’t have been a therapist!


  12. Jeshie, I am glad you found your tribe! I like the photographs you posted very much especially the last one. Sorry that setting up the new blog was difficult but life is what it is.


  13. Oh dear, so much trouble you have had! But I’ll put your new blog to my reading list. Blogging does take time. I post less often than before and participate in less memes. Time is valuable. So great that you turned up, we’ll keep in touch. All the best & splendid weekend.


  14. Congratulation to your new blog. Sorry, it took me a while to find. I know the problems one sometimes has with WP but what the heck, it shouldn’t rule our lives. You did the right thing. Most of the problems came with this new editor. It has some good features but also not so good ones. I jump from classic to the new one – but sth it is annoying


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